I copied a hundred chart onto ten different colors of cardstock. Using the different colors helps with organization and prevents pieces of different puzzles getting mixed together. You could also use construction paper, but I've found that cardstock lasts longer.
Next, I cut away the excess border and then cut the hundred board into various sized pieces, keeping all of the numbers intact.
I don't laminate these. Laminating would make them last longer, but they actually make it harder for the students to work with. Once the puzzle pieces start looking worn, I just make new sets.
After cutting out the pieces, I place each puzzle into a plastic baggie. Then I place them in a center for students to put together.
My students love these. As soon as they are done with one puzzle, they quickly grab another. Since the level of difficulty varies with each puzzle, students find some puzzles more difficult than others. I always have them check their work by counting to 100.
We also use commercially created hundred chart activities.
Students practice the counting sequence when they have to refill a pocket chart and put the numbers in the correct pockets.
These hundred boards help my students practice counting as well as matching two-digit numbers. Yesterday, one of my students turned over all the tiles so that only the white side was showing. (I'm sorry I didn't grab a picture of that one.) She asked the other students in the group to identify what number was on the other side of the tile. The students had to use their knowledge of numbers and number patterns to guess the right number. I love it when students make up their own math games.

During morning work time, all students filled out their own 120 Chart. They were able to save these as a resource in their math notebooks. I loved seeing the students help each other find and fix mistakes before we put them away.
How do you help your students with these concepts? Please share your ideas and resources in the comments.
You can get my One Hundred Twenty Charts: Winter Theme in my TPT store.